Bug Report: User-defined Dictionary Not Appearing

I’m trying to set a user-defined dictionary, but it is not working. In settings under “User dictionary URLs” I’ve added https://papago.naver.com/?sk=auto&tk=en&st=WORD but when I click on a word, it still only shows the standard dictionaries. I was expecting to see “U1” per the docs.

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how it goes now bro? have you figured it out?

I have the same problem

Hi, is this in the extension or the website? This setting is separate between the extension and website - you will need to copy the URL to both places. Let me know if that solves the issue.

It seems to work fine here:

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Hi @oaprograms,

This was helpful for me. It worked! I didn’t even notice that this setting was separate from the website.

Thank you!