3 Assorted things:

I am native EN. I am learning NL (between A1->A2 ish).

  1. In /text Hitting the small play button reads the text with English phonics, instead of Dutch phonics.

  2. In /text With Autopause on - the current line is spoken (with incorrect phonics), and a 2nd (random) line from the text is also spoken.
    In /text with Autopause off - the current line is spoken (in incorrect phonics) then it continues reading, but not from the next line. Rather some random place.

  3. The dictionary doesn’t indicate whether a noun is ‘de’ or ‘het’.

Thanks for the great update. I am so happy Phrase Pump is back!!!

Hey Mark and thanks for the feedback!

We will look into it as soon as possible (a bit overload with improving the new feature but we will get to it)