Hey i am a pro member and this site stoped working. it says erroe loading


Same here, video file options gives the same error


same here but i am not a pro memmber.
Just out of nowhere I am getting “error loading data” for right click on any word.
The window with error does not not show any dictionaries at the bottom.

When trying to set vocabluary level I am getting “error loading data” as well.

All words are now lost their colorization and I can not change it under the settings.

Working with netflix. Checked javascript, removed cookies - nothing helps.
Tried working from another machine - all the same.

The last thing I did was to try to export something.

I don’t think it is related to configurations, seems like a server issue. Dictionary link Language Reactor uses, does not work:

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Now I can not changeany settings at all. It just silently goes back with whatever. Wrote n email to support team.


I have the same problem, today language reactor is failing

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I’ve experienced the same problem all day. When I hover over a word, it says error loading data

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It seems to be working again. Yes! :smiley:

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indeed its working now

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