Youtube Horizontal Bar

Your extension has introduced a horizontal bar on the youtube site. even when setting video to full screen, the horizontal bar persists. I disable the extension and the horizontal bar goes away. any idea as to a fix??
US, Chrome.

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Do you have a screenshot example?

just get on Chrome with the extension enabled, Windows 11, go to Youtube.


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and now with extension disabled, horizontal bar gone:

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screenshots have been provided, any ideas?

Sorry @Rambo_Sweat,

Honestly, I have no idea. I don’t use Windows (macOS user), but I thought I might based on your text description, but your images cleared things up a bit more.

(I’m just a friendly user. Not an LR team member.)

I hope the LR sees this soon and can help you out.

Emailing them: languagelearningextension [at] gmail [dot] com

(Replace bracketed text with their corresponding characters and remove extra spaces.)

Or reporting the but through their extension in the settings gear (:gear:) are two other ways to reach out if it’s preventing you from using LR.

Hey, I’m not sure I get it. I don’t see the bar. Do you want to see it or not? Because on Full screen you cannot see the subtitles table.

@Hofit_Nagar, Sorry to just hop in, but I wanted to help point it out.

From what I can tell, it’s the grey bar at the bottom. Please correct me if this arrow is pointing at the wrong thing in the image @Rambo_Sweat:

Note: If you look really close at the edges of it at the bottom, I see tinny grey arrows like a side-scroll bar, but I might be wrong. I just now noticed it went I was trying to add the pink arrow to point the bar out. But, it looks like it blocks part of the Youtube bar with the controls.

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correct, that’s the horizontal bar at the very bottom pointed out by the pink arrow, when you go full screen. @joan_LanguageProcess

@Hofit_Nagar not sure what you mean by “on full screen you cannot see the subtitles table” ??

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I dont manage to reproduce it on my laptop (Windows 10) Does it happen which any youtube video? do you see it on Netflix as well?

Side note on subtitles table/section & the Images provided @Hofit_Nagar:

From the pictures: It looks like it occured when the LR extension is installed/enabled, but toggled off in the video toolbar.


Uninstalled/disabled and you can’t see LR logo at all in the video tool bar.

Again, please correct me if I’m wrong @Rambo_Sweat

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LR dev here, YouTube was changing code a bit, should be fixed now.

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From the pictures: It looks like it occured when the LR extension is installed/enabled, but toggled off in the video toolbar.

correct! and, happens with all youtubes, but not netflix.

thanks @oaprograms

mentioned youtube code changing, will check fix later today.

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@oaprograms still getting the horizontal scrollbar. is anybody else able to replicate? Chrome, Windows 11, youtube video full screen.

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I came here to report this bug too. I’m running Windows 11, Chrome.

Same exact problem. Horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the page. If you scroll right, its just black space.

Do you have any other extensions installed?

Ya. I disabled all of them except Language Reactor’s extension and the horizontal scrollbar still shows up until I disable Language Reactor’s.

Ya. I disabled all of them except Language Reactor’s extension and the horizontal scrollbar still shows up until I disable Language Reactor’s.


any updates on this issue?

upping this cuz i’ve had this bug for months since day 1
edit: btw im windows 10 google chrome