Passing Clipboard text to the reader.

Does your API support passing text to the reader (Language Reactor) via a query string?

E.g. Language Reactor

I’d like to have a button for my readers/students to open the text in the reader with one-click.
Right-now they have to manually clear the existing text and paste in the new text after the window opens.

A button in the reader that clears the current text and pastes from the clipboard would also be nice.

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This isn’t possible at the moment, thanks for the suggestions. We are planning to add support for text saving and shareable playlists in the near future.

Shareable playlists sound great.

I know the extension make it easy to import texts, but most of my students are using mobile devices. Having to highlight, delete, and then paste the text in is a bit clunky on mobile devices.

Keep up the great work. I recommend the extension to all my students and love that mobile support is getting better.