Personalization, Accessibility, and Mobile Availability

*Using the Languagereactor app brings me a lot of joy; however, I think the app could improve by allowing personalization of features like known and newly encountered words. Providing such an option would be delightful for me. It would also be beneficial to have the ability to select a focus-enhancing color, which is especially important for a user like me with ADHD to minimize distractions.
*Additionally, a greater variety of font options would be appreciated.
*Beyond these points, launching a version on the Applestore would enable us to engage with the content without needing a computer. Many thanks."

Hi @emirhan.demir,

Here is an old post about the mobile version:

As an update you can also access other features through the app version like their YouTube catalogue (videos and channels they highlight for language learning in you TL), Netflix catalogue (list), and a few more things.

I recommend you check it out! :smiley: