Podcasts working for anyone? I get media translation error

I swear it worked for me a few days ago, but now I am no longer getting English translation for podcasts. Is it working for anyone else?

See screenshot, when page loads I get message:

Server Error, please try again later. Error loading media translations

And the right column with media translations never loads. This is on Chrome 131.0.6778.265 on Mac OS, in case that’s part of it.

Bug template is below:

  • Please provide a link to the video/page you have the bug:


  • Please let us know from which country you are having the bug (YT and Netflix have different content and subtitles depending on the country the user is located)

United States

  • If relevant, please let us know what are the configuration of languages you try to have

Italian > English

Looking at the network requests in Chrome, I see 400 status errors requests to:


With a response body of:


So…guess tha’ts why, auth issue or something with you internal translation service?

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@Ian Thanks! Sent it to the developers

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I am having the same problem, about to contact support

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Thanks for letting me know and contacting them!

I’m still evaluating so probably don’t have support yet, but will upgrade if this gets ironed out.

I can confirm the issue with translations, too.

Is the podcasts feature going to support users adding new podcasts or is it a staff-curated selection of podcasts?

Where do the transcriptions come from? I imagine they are not usually provided by the podcast producers themselves.

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Where do the transcriptions come from? I imagine they are not usually provided by the podcast producers themselves.

Hmm it’s a good question. I have to imagine they are auto-generating them, as it’s doing so with timestamps…the auto-scrolling seems to work, which you’d need the timestamps for.

Apparently there is a way to embed a transcript in a podcast feed, but the podcast I’m listening to (Italiano Bello), isn’t using this.

FYI until this is fixed, my workaround is to export a transcript of my podcast from Youtube’s closed captioning (which are also auto-generated in my case), I used this tool (saw in another post) to do so:

I don’t love the export’s formatting, so I pasted the text into ChatGPT and had it fix capitalization, punctuation, and paragraph breaks.

Finally, took this and imported it into the “Texts” feature of Language Reactor. In this case, the translation feature does work for me.

You don’t get auto-scrolling, but it’s good enough for me, for now.

Any news about this?