Every time I open a movie in the Video File mode, when the Croatian language is selected, it fails to load automated English translations of subtitles. Please, see the attached screenshot. This issue has been present for more than a month.
Contrary to that, when I’m watching movies in Spanish, translations from Spanish are loaded just fine.
I thought it might help to combine your efforts and post this here. If two languages have this bug, they more likely are, and hopefully, other users can find this and bump it up. It’s interesting that Spanish is working, though.
I will edit this reply if I come across any more. So all these related bugs can be linked together and, hopefully, grab the dev’s attention (if they aren’t already working on it and just not communicating it).
UPDATE. Translations have appeared for me once again (at least, when watching movies in Croatian, which I has problems with). I hope, guys who are learning other languages could concur. Thank you to whoever fixed this bug!
I have the same issue, with German to English. This was working up until a few weeks ago without issues. Tried with different browsers, clients - no help.
Looking at the browser console, I see the following errors :
POST https://lb.dioco.io/base_videoFileTranslations 400 (Bad Request)
Something seems to be wrong with this webservice. Is there anyone who is able to use this for German to English local videos ?