English is my first language, I am trying to learn Spanish, however, when I set my options the dictionary is defining words in English, not Spanish. I expect the yellow text to be in English and the text above to be in Spanish, but I’m not seeing that. I’ve attached a screenshot in hopes that someone can enlighten me as to which setting I’ve mixed up.
Hi. So the trick is, you need to find videos in Spanish to watch. You can start here: https://extension.dioco.io/catalogue/youtube_catalogue/best_youtube_channels_to_learn_spanish.html
Also check here: https://languagelearningwithnetflix.com/youtube_instructions.html#
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Thank you, actually I’ve verified the videos using the catalog - I’m still getting English in the dictionary. I thought I had the settings set as according to the video (which I have watched 3 times, and it really needs a voice over). My YouTube subtitle language is English, because that is default, my translation language is Spanish. Is that not correct?