Why can’t I use it after I paid for one year?

Why can’t I use it after I paid for one year? I already restart and sign in again. but is unuseful.
I can not use LR, please help me to deal with this issue.


Hey Lilly_Z.
I renewed my subscription yesterday as well for one year. I don’t think it’s related, it’s a Network issue from their side, all of us now are facing it.
As soon as it resolved we’ll get full access as early.


yes everyone suffers probably from this bug, it’ll come back to normal hopefully.
Beside of that, you probably don’t want to post your email adress like that, you never know, be careful about it.

Hi, Pavel_Vorontsov
Thank you for your reply. so we have to wait.

thank you for reminding :pray: :pray: :pray:

Yes, it happens from time to time Network issues, as of now, only wait(