Youtube saved words failed to sync

I’m a PRO user and this tool works well with Netflix. However, today I found that when I use it for YouTube, the words I saved never show up in the Marked Words category even though it seemed I saved successfully when I clicked those words and marked them as Learning.

Hope to get some help. Thanks.

  • Environment: Macbook Air, Chrome

I am also having this issue.

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I got the same problem

@Halo_Wood Make sure that the Netflix subtitle language matches Study language on the If you have selected different languages on Netflix and LR, you need to select the same language on LR as on Netflix to see the saved languages.
Because when changing the Study language “Saved words/phrases” section changes. You only get words for the selected Study language

If Netflix subtitle language matches Study language on the LR, then please send me a link to Netflix where you have it and specify the languages you are studying. Because I can’t reproduce that. Thanks!

Thanks for the reply, Angelina. However, the problem I want to explain is saving words from YouTube. LR works well with Netflix here but when I tried to mark words on YouTube, these words never showed up in Saved section.

@Halo_Wood please send me a link to the YouTube video and specify the language you are learning and the translation language. Because it works well for me.

For example:
Learning language: English
Translation language: Chinese(Simplified)

@Halo_Wood And do you have Study language is English and Translation language is Chinese(Simplified) on the
I am trying to reproduce this and I have it working correctly. Trying to figure out the problem
REC-20250212205739.mp4 - Google Drive

I’m also experiencing this. Words saved in Netflix show up, but those saved in YouTube do not.

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Here is my screen recording. Screen recording
Hope it helps.

@Halo_Wood Thanks!
I sent this to developers