[Additional PhrasePump Features] Customization to Focus Only on Words Saved, Sentences Saved, Items Saved in the PhrasePump Settings Menu

Hi LR Devs!

I think it would be great to add additional PhrasePump features/toggles/drop-down selector(s) to the PhrasePump settings menu.

Further customization for study sessions to focus only on certain words/phrases/items in PhrasePump Settings would enhance learner’s experience with PhrasePump:

  • Words Saved
  • Sentences Saved
  • Items Saved

Example – Placement:

Note: The above edits were saved weirdly, but you can see the gist. Should be " (1) " for suggested spot 1 and " (2) " for suggested spot 2 for a drop-down menu ( :arrow_down_small: ) called “Session Focus” with the following selections:

  • Only My Saved Words
  • Only My Saved Phrases :star:
  • Only My Learning Items
  • Only My Saved Items
  • Default
  • [Etc.: Fill in with other Suggestions that you see fit]

Section descriptions using the :information_source: icon:

  • Only My Saved Words: Focuses the study session on all words marked via the Learning and Known feature. Note: This would (for obvious reasons) exclude the words marked Don’t Learn.
  • Only My Saved Phrases :star:: Focuses the study session on all saved phrases/sentences saved using the :star: (star) icon
  • Only My Saved Items: Focuses the study session on all saved phrases/sentences saved using the :star: (star) icon and all words marked via the Learning and Known feature. Note: This would, again, (for obvious reasons) exclude the words marked Don’t Learn.
  • Only My Learning Items: Focuses the study session on all saved items marked as Learning.
  • Default: All default settings would be enabled for the session: Look-Listen Cards, Fill-in the Blank Cards, Practice Cards, Quiz Cards, Suggested Word Cards (If applicable for the given language), etc… This Selection can be enabled by default.

Please consider this! I think it would help with similar requests/improve user experience related to the following topics (ongoing list):

P.S. These additional features would be based on information saved in each user’s Saved Items list.


Yes i wish the devs would consider this … it’ll be such a huge improvement, pretty much everyone wants to focus on their chosen words and sentences plucked from the movies and shows, it’s such a basic feature that we’re lacking right now



I really enjoy the suggested sentences, but some study sessions I just want to focus on what I have saved.

That’s why I think the option to select what to focus on can be be a motivator to use the PhrasePump feature more.

Thanks for chiming in! :smiley:

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It’s a great idea, Joann! I want to review the words and phrases I’ve saved. I haven’t used LR for a while, but when I started using it recently, I discovered a lot of amazing features. I thought PhrasePump would be the feature I could work on, but it was not what I expected. I have to repeat the same words and phrases every time I use PhrasePump. I wish there were a more efficient way to review my saved items. I wholeheartedly support Joan’s request.


Hello! Does anyone know if there’s now a way to Review my own Saved Phrases? Pro/paid member here. Thank you!

Couldn’t agree more. I purchased a subscription, assuming that this feature was included. It would help sooo much! If you could watch an episode, mark all the new language you come across, then go to phrase pump and review all that language, it would be amazing. Then you could go back and watch the episode again and see how much more of it you could understand >< Developers, would you kindly consider adding this feature?


Exactly the feature I’m looking for!:+1: I also subscribed for the Netflix Save feature and want to review the saved items through Phrase Pump. It’s actually the only feature I am currently using :blush: It would be awesome if PhrasePump can let me view ONLY my Saved Phrases.

Yes please, Developers! I’m sure this is surely a feature customers would like. You can also offer it as an Upgrade payment if that’s what is appropriate for the time & effort to create this feature.

I’m currently a paid subscriber to both Language Reactor and Migaku for this very feature. It’s driving me nuts because LR is so seamless in Saving phrases but no proper way to review the saved phrases. While Migaku is so bad at saving phrases (lags) but their “phrasepump-like” feature to review saved phrased is great!

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Hi… I was about to ask the same question. I don’t see the point of mixing the sentences we’ve saved with automatically generated suggestions.

I would prefer to see only the items that I’ve saved as well.

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+1 for implementing features described ^^

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