Export to anki wasn't working correctly.

There is seeming a problem with the field mapping.
Normally I saved some words when I watch Netflix.

And I export to Anki:
Export to anki

When I used it a few weeks ago, it would look like this after importing it into anki. The front card is the word I saved.
correct card

But a couple of days ago, It like this. I can’t see the word I saved. It shows “[object Object]”.

The export document content:
"<div style=""color:rgb(127, 127, 127);font-size: 0.8rem; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 0.8em;"">Naruto S1:E26 Special Report: Live from the Forest of Death!</div><div>[object Object]</div>" "<div>期望, 期待, 預期, 希望, 想到, 預料, 料到, 期盼, 料, 料想, 望, 期, 等候, 意料, 守候, 盼, 意, 意想, 冀, 臆斷, 恇, 期許</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Example:</div><div>Just what I'd expect from my greatest rival.</div><div><span style=""color:rgb(0, 92, 147);"">&lt;&lt; 這就是我對最大對手的期望 &gt;&gt;</span></div>" netflix word green verb

Yes I am having the same issues. All front of my cards look like this:

“<div style=”“color:rgb(127, 127, 127);font-size: 0.8rem; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 0.8em;”">Mirage

[object Object]

No matter the word, all I get is mirrage and [object Object], making it impossible to export.

Would be great to see a fix, as I love this functionality and it is currently unusable :heart: :heart:

Sorry, looks like broke this while updating the way we store data in the database. Anki code is getting revisited and upgraded currently, hang tight a couple of days more. :-/

Just found this bug and fixed it. Still working on the other new Anki features. :slight_smile: