Hey guys,
When I save a sentence on Netflix for later study, the audio is not recorded. So, when I listen back to the sentences from Saved Phrases, I can only hear the AI audio. Any suggestions?
I use Netflix from Hungary and I study Thai.
Hey guys,
When I save a sentence on Netflix for later study, the audio is not recorded. So, when I listen back to the sentences from Saved Phrases, I can only hear the AI audio. Any suggestions?
I use Netflix from Hungary and I study Thai.
Is anybody else having this issue, or I’m the only one?
I’m having the same issues. However, occasionally, real voices are being saved.
Very occasionally, yes, but until like a week ago it worked seamlessly with every single sentence…
Thank you for your feedback!
I’m having the same problem yes
I am having same issue, in my opinion it was the best feature should be fixed.
Same thing, notice today when i wanted to make compilation audio with native sounds and its almost all AI, i came now to make topic what makes it random that some saved sentences have voice from the movies and some have the AI sound.
I kept saving sentences, hoping that the feature might work again one day… And all the sudden it did, so I re-saved all the starred phrases and managed to fetch the audio for all of them.
I hope it’ll keep working and gets fixed for you guys too…
Good afternoon,
I have taken the trouble to test to see where the error occurs. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the addon several times to test different combinations and results. That I detail below.
According to the usage tests I have done the error occurs when ASR subtitles are selected. When these are selected all the other combinations fail later. The rest of the combinations only work again if the addon is reinstalled.
The methodology may not be the most correct. It is simply end-user testing with the addon. I hope this will help to fix this bug. For me this functionality is essential and I hope they fix it as soon as possible.
I would like to add a final note for all of you who are in the same situation. You can still save the original Netflix audios if you reinstall the addon and use it only for shows in the original language (in this case the language you want to learn) with the subtitles provided by Netflix. At least this works for me.
As long as you don’t select ASR subtitles you should still be able to save the original audios.
Here are the “usability tests” I have done:
These are the possible inputs, and of the combinations of audio + subtitles.
1a. Native audio + Native audio subtitle (Netflix)
The original audio is saved.
2a. Audio dubbed + Native Audio Subtitle (Netflix)
The original audio is saved.
1b. Native Audio + Dubbed Audio Subtitle (Netflix)
The bot audio is saved.
2b. Dubbed Audio + Dubbed Audio Subtitle (Netflix)
The bot audio is saved.
1c. Native audio + Dubbed audio subtitle (ASR)
N/A By default, the app does not let you select ASR subtitles if you do not change the native audio.
2c. Dubbed Audio + Dubbed Audio Subtitle (ASR)
The audio is not saved.