Hi thanks for adding the ASR feature it’s super useful!
I’ve been watching Attack on Titan in Mandarin with the use of the ASR feature. Once I hit Season 3 part 2, most of my saved subtitles are not colored.
Also if I try to mark any word, I’m prompted to set my vocabulary level, I don’t do this due because I’ve saved each word manually from scratch and don’t want to mess with my lists but this also means I can’t add mark any new words here.
The most notable difference between the prior seasons S3P2 is that the prior seasons audio language was “Mandarin”, and starting from S3P2 the audio language becomes “Mandarin (guoyu)”. Of course these are still the same language but perhaps the extension is seeing “Mandarin (guoyu)” ASR subtitles as a totally different language than Simplified Chinese? Hence the missing same words and prompt for vocab level. Included some screenshots below
Please provide a link to the video/page you have the bug
Attack on Titan Season 3 part 2 and Season 4 part 1 (previous seasons are fine) -
Please let us know from which country you are having the bug (YT and Netflix have different content and subtitles depending on the country the user is located)
Hong Kong -
If relevant, please let us know what are the configuration of languages you try to have
Prior to S3P2, Audio: “Mandarin”, Subtitles: “Mandarin (ASR)” (This worked perfectly)
For S3P2, Audio: “Mandarin (guoyu)”, Subtitles: “Mandarin (guoyu) (ASR)”
S3P1 Last Episode (Works perfectly with all my saved words)
S3P2 First Episode (Shows very few saved words and won’t let me save a word without setting vocab level)