Problem with original audio from Netflix in saved items

Hi, I’ve had my favorite feature, original audio in saved words and phrases from Netflix, stop working. The settings are exactly right, I’ve been using it for a long time. Only one movie on Netflix still “allows” saved audio. The others don’t. What happened? Can someone please answer, this is the only feature that makes me use the reactor.

For example:
The Good Doctor series
Studying German, watching from Switzerland
Settings: audio language - German, subtitle language - German ASR / just German - both don’t work, previously everything was OK with ASR.
Browser - Chrome


Hi Inna, added you on LinkedIn for some questions concerning this, would be awesome to get your insight on this kind original audio thingy.

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Same problem to me since last week. This is a serious problem. Are the developers here aware of this?


I’m not sure… It is clear that the project is being very inactively supported. But I didn’t care as long as saving the original audio worked :roll_eyes:

Same issue with Vikings and other series.

I hope it is going to he solved.

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It even sometimes works… Only one movie from my library allows to save audio.

I have the same problem… it’s strange because in the same show, some episodes save the audio, some don’t…

I’m facing the same issue. I opened an issue a couple of days ago, but nothing is working yet :frowning:

Empty .mp3 Files When Exporting ASR Content Using Anki

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Hi all. Sorry for being slow. I’ve patched this bug now when saving new items, and Ognjen will run a script to go back and repair the existing saved items, it may take a few days to run.

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Thanks a lot, David! It works! I don’t mind you were slow, now I can make Anki cards from the Good doctor series. Have a good weekend :slight_smile:

Dear David, is it possible to export Anki cards with original sound from YouTube? May be in the future?

Thank you so much! It works! I was almost giving up this function :slightly_smiling_face: