I had this idea to create a learning language app using people’s subscription services, exactly what language reactor has done, but I didn’t since I’m enrolled in college. The only person I told about this idea was to my girlfriend over a year ago, I’ve had this idea brewing in my brain for a little over 5 or 6 years now. I’m a little late to the game, because the people at language reactor are doing it first. Since I genuinely enjoy your application, I wanted to share with you my Idea that I would have used in-order to make a lot of money using these subscriptions services, I like what the people at language reactor are doing and I hope that you’ll continue to dump resources into the platform to make it better for everybody to use across the world. If you went to the boards of education in the United States, and advocated your service as a tool for learning, as a ‘e-textbook’ and if the board of education approves language reactor for use by students in major world language classes like French, Spanish, English, Chinese and Japanese across the United States (or world if you went globally at the school education level) students could be forced into buying a subscription to language reactor. I imagine you’d be able to create a code in which language reactor could be paired to a university ID or a university email using a school website such as blackboard, you maybe able to even get your own application icon within blackboard services attached to a schools blackboard. If approved by teachers and if teachers adapt to using language reactor for use (alot of them are using out dated textbooks from around 2008 and 2009), you’d likely be able to get schools to force auto enrollment for students into paying for language reactor services as a ‘e-textbook’, especially if schools start to use the service within the classroom environment. A way to get this service out into the class room setting, would likely be to advertise to the intro and the intermediate levels by creating video guides for basic grammar all the way up to intermediate-advance grammar, you would like only have to do this for a couple of core languages, the ones taught within highschool and universities, like Spanish, French, Chinese, german and English. You could hire multiple language teachers and a cinematic/editing team to shoot those grammar video break downs for the most common used grammar, this would be a way for professors in university and high school to modernize how they teach grammar to students, and would be a more appealing way for teachers to teach grammar to students. Schools will still continue to use vocabulary building sheets from another textbook, but you maybe able to compete with this, if not completely out right be used as the primary vocabulary expander by using the most commonly used textbooks vocabulary expanders used by teachers as a guide to create your own.
If you did this, you could do a ‘textbook’ subscription per semester or do a discounted one for a year.
You could also separate the ‘etextbook’ service as a premium service, and keep the translation service from streaming services as a cheaper version