Pro Features — Pro Plan Membership

This is me just guessing. So please take this with a grain of salt until someone who knows for sure can chime in…

But, I think basic (nonPro) users can still use PhrasePump but with more limited functionality.

I know you wouldn’t be able to save phrases. But you may be able to (at least) use it with its basic features of “Quiz,” “Suggestions,” “Practice,” and other settings of PhrasePump.

  • Note: I’m referring to the settings menu in LR’s PhrasePump tab.

I don’t know if the translation that LR uses for PhrasePump would be affected by downgrading your subscription to a basic plan (nonPro user). I mainly focused on subtitles over PhrasePump when I did a short stint as a basic user after the free trial period ran out.

Hopefully, someone who knows more can chime in on this for you! Sorry, I couldn’t be of more help on that front.