As stated above.
Everytime I change to a different language it gives a notification of an error, and in the menu just an option to “fix it” which turns it back to the standard language of the show.
Would be nice with an option to have the choices follow each show e.g. if I set “my little pony” to russian; it would stay that way until I made new changes.
Added to TODO: Investigate forcing original audio/captions only once for a series.
The reason we force original subs/audio is that they are usually the only ones that match each other.
Thanks for report.
I see this is a super old issue but re-raising. Was this something that was ever addressed? The app is basically unusable for the show I’m currently watching on Netflix (Avatar: The Last Airbender). It defaults back to English every time the episode changes so I’m having to go manually change it back every 20 minutes. Seems weird to force the language to change against the users explicit settings. Even if it doesn’t match, maybe the machine translation is suitable enough to be used in that case?