text-to-speech voice not available for this language. Try installing additional voice packs for your system (if available)

Link of bug page:

I cannot use text to speed here for some reason. Not only that, but even when I click a word, and try to play the phrase (see pic), my phrase doesn’t play, although there is a play button:

All other phrases play normally. Also, if I save my phrase and play it through phrase pump, it also plays normally. So, this must be a bug specific to this “my text” mode, which should theoretically be easy to fix, since the functionality basically already exists.

By the way, here is an error it shows, I am not sure if it will help:
(I cannot post a 2nd pic, so I will write the error. It says:
“text-to-speech voice not available for this language. Try installing additional voice packs for your system (if available)”)

The same happens no matter the language. The screenshots are from android, but the same takes place when on desktop, and on any browser.

Please fix, because it is quite important and useful to have text to speech while reading my own text! Thanks!