Youtube subtitle language endless "Loading..."

I have this bug everywhere. Languages : German>English. I saw it was already asked at this forum, yet is there any solution?

The “YouTube subtitle language endless ‘Loading…’” issue may result from browser cache or extension conflicts. Clear the cache, disable extensions, and reload the page. If the problem persists, try a different browser or update the current one. If all else fails, contact YouTube support for assistance.

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Thank you! Finally Microsoft Browser worked for me!

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I have the same issue, and this seems to be caused by a bug in the script

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')
    at te (<anonymous>:34:156293)
    at <anonymous>:34:147819
var s = d.b[0].split("-")[0]   // <---
                      , l = Z();
                    return o = null !== l ? {
                        [s]: l
                    } : {},
                        source: "NETFLIX",
                        movieId: e.movieId.toString(),
                        packageId: e.packageId,
                        originalAudioLangCode_N: t,
                        originalAudioLangCode_G: n,
                        textTracks: i,
                        duration_ms: e.duration,
                        viewableType: e.viewableType,
                        titles: o,
                        audioTracks: r