Extensibility / Contributing to LR / Thai word splitting

Is there any way we can contribute to LR? I don’t want to be paid. I just want to fix a glaring issue.

The “word splitting”/dictionary that LR is using for Thai is pretty horrible. It makes mistakes in every single line/subtitle. This means the definitions are wrong and you can’t add the word to PhrasePump etc. Because it’s splitting the word wrong (Thai doesn’t have spaces between words). I’d like to be able to add my API key in the settings for this purpose.

I think we (humanity) have passed the point of needing to use a dictionary for this task. As a paying customer, it would be well worth it to simply make a single request to a premium AI like ChatGPT or Claude and ask it to split all the words in the subtitle file. Or to make a request for every line. Neither would be prohibitively expensive and it would split everything correctly because it would have proper contextual understanding.

So in conclusion:

  1. Any way we can help develop LR?
  2. Any way we can donate to prioritize certain bugs?
  3. If no to both, what does the team think about this issue and the proposed solution, which would be an optional setting?



Another issue: the LR “reader” can also not be used on mobile due to the lack of spaces between words. It doesn’t know where to break long sentences so they get cut off at the edges of the screen.This means we can’t read books/texts using the reader on mobile (iOS, at least).