Hover dictionary is broken "Failed to retreive linguistic data"

On both youtube and netflix the hover mini dictionary is broken, nothing happens when I hover over subtitles (either the ones at the bottom of the page or the ones at the side in a list).

On page load I get the following error in an alert, which is presumably related!

Language Reactor has detected an error has occured. The developers have been notified. Try reloading the page, or else try again in 24hrs. Sorry for the inconvenience. Check our Facebook page for updates. Error message: Failed to retreive linguistic data. Lang: zh-CN, source: NETFLIX tt_key: NF.1.81393478.zh.zh-Hans.r+VQWWuHM3E3B/vnDtWKFz9Wfy4=


I’m getting the same error with this content:
YouTube: MULTISUB【舍我其谁 GO Into Your Heart】EP01 | 天才棋手恋上热血少女 | 李兰迪/牛骏峰/韩玖诺/秦天宇/朱嘉琦/曹博 | 都市爱情剧 | 优酷YOUKU - YouTube
Netflix: Us and Them | Netflix Official Site

Language Reactor has detected an error has occured. The developers have been notified. Try reloading the page, or else try again in 24hrs. Sorry for the inconvenience. Check our Facebook page for updates. Error message: Failed to retreive linguistic data. Lang: zh-CN, source: YOUTUBE tt_key: YT.2.zh-CN.dXuHY1nzmAM.eba6466a04e03b103cfd6a9e2f470ace

Language Reactor has detected an error has occured. The developers have been notified. Try reloading the page, or else try again in 24hrs. Sorry for the inconvenience. Check our Facebook page for updates. Error message: Failed to retreive linguistic data. Lang: zh-CN, source: NETFLIX tt_key: NF.1.80993655.zh.zh-Hans.SZ8nQ8IZ+/bmkS8tacMjTglNtO8=

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The “Failed to retrieve…” error has stopped happening, but the hover dictionary is still broken. Looks like the error was a red herring after all. :disappointed:

I’m a developer myself so if there’s anything I can do to debug this on my end let me know.

It is fixed ! Thank you for telling us, and sorry for the inconvenience :confused: !!!

I can confirm that it’s fixed on Netflix, thanks! Unfortunately it’s still broken for me on Youtube. Interestingly, I have subtitles set to Chinese (Simplified) and if I hover over English words the dictionary pops up (with only “…” in it) but when hovering over Chinese words nothing happens.

You can’t see my mouse but in the first image it is over “vlog” and in the second image it is over “大家”.



Testing on this video: 【VLOG in Chinese】ROOM TOUR 2021 - YouTube

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Bumping this because it’s still broken on youtube. I’d really appreciate some help! (and I’ve been a paid subscriber since 2020 if that helps get this prioritised… :wink: )

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Hey, looks like we set it in our end. Can you attach a screenshot?

Whatever you did, it’s fixed now. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Hello it is giving me the error again as it did for OP

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Same, I’m getting that error too. It wasn’t there yesterday.

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Hey, sorry for the late reply. Is it still occur?

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Yes, it is still broken. I tried uninstall and reinstalling but in vain.

Later, I installed it on Brave and it works fine over there.

Hello @pallav_learn , we had a problem of one of our server today for around 4 hours. It is the reason why you couldn’t retrieve the linguistic data. If you try now again, it should work.

We are sorry for the inconvenience !

Hey! It doesn’t work.

Language Reactor has detected an error has occured. The developers have been notified. Try reloading the page, or else try again in 24hrs. Sorry for the inconvenience. Check our Facebook page for updates. Error message: Failed to retreive linguistic data. Lang: zh-CN, source: NETFLIX tt_key: NF.1.70282412.en.zh-Hans.eodkSOX8QXaG69z8Q/j9vSw1bAg=

Hola @pallav_learn ,

We had a problem of servers, we fixed it. Can you try it again to see if it’s all good for you now ?

In case it’s still not working, can you send the link of the video you are trying to watch, as well as the language of the subtitle ? Sometime, some bad data are incorporated to the subtitle.

Thanks ! And sorry for the problem !

still not working for me

also not working for me since yesterday

same problem here since yesterday

it is still not working, so frustrating

The bug has been fixed.
Please let us know if there are any other issues.