I do not see the sidebar on Netflix, what do I do? (I only see it on YouTube)

I do not see the sidebar on Netflix, what do I do? (I only see it on YouTube)
I do not see the icon to open the sidebar either. I’ve removed all my extentions except Language reactor and theres no change.
I use normal Google Chrome broswer.
Is there anything additional I need to do to get Language Leaning reactor for Netflix working?


I have the same problem. I’ve trie test ability off&on / reinstalling lln after uninstalling other extensions(cos someone said some stuff could crash eachother) / also reinstalling chrome itself
Nothing works… mine works on Youtube just fine as you.

does anybody have the same problem and have fixed it?


I had the same problem, but now I can use it.

By turning off extensions other than LR and starting Netflix.
After that, even if you turn on the extension you want to use, LR could be used as it was.

I’ve tried removing all my Google extension already and refreshing Netflix, nothing changed.

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Netflix I saw this in another post, try to disable this, hopefully will work

Awesome! I don’t think I did anything, It spontaneously started to work, there must have been an update?
Thanks everyone at Language reactor, is is awesome!

Hi, LR dev here. Netflix changed UI so we had to make a lot of fixes. Everything should be back to normal now.