Japanese subtitles


I have a suggestion about the Japanese subtitles. When there is a kanji in a sentence, the word is written in hiragana and in brackets afterwards. For example:

初(はじ)めてもらった […] (source: Spirited away, 00.01.10)

I would like the part in brackets to be removed (or it could be an option, like the furigana and romani). The reasons:

  • It makes the whole sentence more difficult and longer to read, especially when a word is cut in half, like in the exemple
  • If someone needs the furigana/hiragana to read the Kanji, it is possible with the parameters
  • As you can see on my screenshot, when the word is cut in half, the furigana above is wrong, because it can’t recognize that the word is 初めて and not only 初. It reads the kanji alone.

Above 初, we can see the furigana はつ, which is wrong in this context. The correct one his はじ. In the rest of the sentence, there is another mistake: the hiragana above 別れる is wrong, it should be わか and not べつ.

EDIT: I have just noticed there is a TODO list, with some things for Japanese. I am not sure if this issue has already been dealt with


Yeah. I still this as a problem at times. There are also mistakes in some of the furigana that do not have special readings.

The correct readings as said by the characters are on the right-hand side:
にごぜろぜろ :arrow_right: にせんごひゃく
はちぜろぜろぜろ :arrow_right: はっせん
ななにん :arrow_right: しちにん
ににん :arrow_right: ふたり
しょうっちゃい :arrow_right: ちっちゃい
ひろし :arrow_right: ゆう
べい :arrow_right: こめ
うまかった :arrow_right: あまかった

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I was thinking the exact same thing, I would prefer to have just the furigana above the kanji, nowhere else and also to not have the transliteration affect katkana as it does now, which is also quite silly. These are things that occurred to me immediately now that I’m trying out the extension, interesting that it hasn’t been fixed in almost four years, despite it probably being a relatively simple fix, compared to many of the features that they already have implemented, at least give us a toggle to turn these features on and off :slight_smile:

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I was about to make a post for this!

I totally agree, I love this app but this feature (if its intended) is quite annoying. It would be best if there was just optional furigana. The way the hiragana in parenthesis is baked in the subtitles makes it harder to parse the sentence. Eg. I’ve run into this while watching Spirited Away, see

It seems that for all “known” and “not known” kanji the hiragana is attached with parentheses. But the same doesn’t seem to happen for “learning words” category. Quite confusing.

Thank you!