“Loading Subtitles, please wait…”

Almost all Spanish content on Netflix is not working. The subtitles never load. La Niña works and that’s about it. The subs for English content load fine.

After installing the plug-in on my Windows laptop today and trying to get it to work for an hour, I installed it on my Mac desktop and have the exact same problem where the only Spanish series that loads subtitles is La Niña.

Unless my router is blocking certain subtitles, which it’s not because they come up when I turn the plug-in off, the problem is not on my end.



Do you still have the problem ? If yes, can you send us the link of the video please ?

Muchas gracias :slight_smile:

Yes. Here’s a link to The Platform Watch The Platform | Netflix Official Site

Language Reactor did not load subtitles on Windows or MacOS, but the firefox addon “Netflix Binlingual Subtitles” loaded them fine.

I’m also having this problem (specifically on Elite S4E5). Happy to help debug in any way I can. Thanks!

I can see the subtitles with no problem.

Audio+Subtitles in Spanish.

I am having the same exact problem. The subtitles will not load for any Spanish film/show on Netflix regardless of how long I wait. I tried to get the subtitles for Elite to work and I left it to load for several hours and they never did.

I was able to fix my problem – I needed to opt-out of netflix tests.

(I had done this previously, but somehow I got opted back in!)

Good luck all!


this fixed my problem! thank you so much!!!

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awesome, glad it helped!

Was dealing with the same problem for the past 2 weeks and started getting frustrated until I found your suggestion. It worked like a charm! Thank you Dilap!

thank to you.
I was able to solve the problem.

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I still have the problem!

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Still have the problem!..

Screenshot at Feb 04 22-20-21

I have been seeing this problem with spanish and french for several days. “Loading subtitles please wait”

I’m also getting this problem but with French Canadian [ASR]. It’s maddening that there’s no apparent acknowledgement for this outside this forum discussion.

mine was working last month but is no longer working,

is this a known issue? does it have a fix?

After some research, I found other discussion. It seems this has been known to happen when Chrome updates. So it’s a Chrome thing. I actually installed the plugin in Opera–since Opera is Chrome plugin compatible–and it works fine. Chrome did recently release an update, so I think that’s what’s going on here.

Try switching to Opera and see if it works then.

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Thank you , it works with opera , so the developers must update the extension to be compatible with the update of chrome

Yes, hopefully they do soon. Also, hopefully we see plugins for other browsers soon, as well.

If this happens again, also remember that Microsoft Edge is Chrome plugin compatible, as is Chromium. So we have our pick of alternative browsers. It seems we’ll need them because apparently this problem happens periodically with Chrome.