Bug netflix : Subtitles Not Working

Hi guys, greaaat work with this extension I am in love. I noticed today a bug in netflix where the extension can’t load subtitles anymore. It’s probably related to netflix adding a tons of new language support (at least in my region in France). I seems like the amount of subtitles to load is too much and it’s taking forever.

Thanks guys


I think I have a similar problem, but in Germany.

I tried both German and English audio / subtitle. But it just says subtitles loading, please wait.

This error is in chrome console:

VM285:37 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'hashAlgo')
    at ze (<anonymous>:37:168506)
    at Pe (<anonymous>:37:171898)
    at <anonymous>:37:165784

similar problem ican’t load subtitles anymore

Same, can suddenly no longer load subtitles.

same problem i have :frowning: please fix it i pay money for it

Same problem here,can’t load subtitles.

Hello everyone. Thank you for notifying us. We are fixing this at the moment. We will let you know when the patch will be released.

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Hey. Should be all good now. Netflix made a change… patched it… all functionality works again (here at least). If it’s not working for you after a few hours, or you have any further problems, post a message here. :slightly_smiling_face:



I am having a similar issue in Korean here!
I tried in English subtitle but it keeps saying “subtitles loading, please wait.”

Could you please help with this?

and human translation show not available

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Can you please elaborate? I am having this issue in '23 :confused:

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I am now having this issue as well. The subtitle panel says “- Loading subtitles, please wait… -” but they never appear. Error in the Javascript console:

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I am also having an issue with loading subtitles with LR plug-in enabled. I can see the subtitles with the plug-in turned off.


I’m having this issue too.

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I’m having this issue as well now, subtitles are not loading


Hi, im also having this issue

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Hello everybody !

Mainly this issue is due to Netflix “test”. So, just go on this page, and it will be fixed :

Don’t forget to like my comment if it’s working with this link (thanks to that other people can resolve it without publishing on the forum !


I’ve tried that, and it didn’t fix anything :frowning:

I’ve tried to wait it out, I’ve tried restarting, I’ve made sure I’m not in test participation, I made sure to expand the extension permissions, uninstall + reinstall, incognito window, turned off many different variations of netflix data tracking or something, reset permissions, tried different variations of permissions, etc., etc… It truly seems like nothing is working. I have Pro so I’m getting especially frustrated! Do you have any other advice? I think a lot of people are like me.

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Thanks for the answer !

I just Check on my side, doesn’t work it neither, but it did work hours ago. No doubts developers gonna fix it asap, but today’s public holidays all over the world so many gonna be fix tomorrow ! :grinning: