More languages

Hi, when I started using your app you had way more languages to chose from. Last semester I was learning Uzbek and Latin and was looking forward to watching a lot of Netflix with those languages in machine translation and bought the subscription just for that but then you removed those languages from your list. Now I can only learn my third language Hungarian still with Netflix and refresh my old languages Japanese, Italian, Serbian, etc.

Will you be bringing those languages back? I would like it if all languages available in google translate were available again. And maybe other Turkic languages could be made available too with Yandex translate, especially Uzbek since I want to improve my knowledge of the differences between those languages, as there was a course on those differences in my university this semester.

If the quality of the translation of those languages was the problem, you can still mark them as low quality translation with many errors, but it helped at least a little bit in learning more vocabulary, since especially with rare languages that have no subtitles available anywhere and you also cannot get any good ebooks either.

In the future I would like to have subtitles in Basque, Albanian, Hill Mari and some other languages that are on either google translate or Yandex translate but not on offer in your list of languages.

I also want to say that if you could make the latin transcription available for all your languages in other scripts, that would be really good. I am dyslexic and so Greek, Korean, Arabic and Cyrillic Script is a huge hurdle for me in subtitles. I tried to learn those languages but never came farther than a beginner because I cannot read those scripts and subtitles that have the normal script, the latinized script and the English translation directly under each other like you implemented with Japanese would really help me out. I had not touched any anime or Japanese for years as my ability to understand spoken Japanese was at about C1 level already, but my ability to read Japanese was at a first grade level, as no subtitles in Romaji or interesting books with Romaji were available. I have now found my love for Japanese again and finally making progress in being able to read better with your subtitles.


Hello. The reason they were removed is that we changed translation provider, to reduce cost. Translations are a major expense.

Studying from machine translations isn’t really how we intended LLN to be used, although I can imagine it’s hard to find natural dialogue on the internet in Uzbek and Latin (I’ve never tried looking). I should say that I wouldn’t expect the quality of the machine translations to be very high for Uzbek and Latin, as I imagine the people who train the MT systems have difficulty finding enough material in these languages to train the systems well, but I may be wrong.

If you are studying from the machine translation, the dictionary won’t work as expected, neither will it be possible to save words from the machine translation.

Maybe here’s something that will give you what you are looking for:

  1. Turn off translations in the LLN settings
  2. Press the print button at the top of the side panel
  3. When the print view opens, hit CTRL+A, then CTRL+C (copy the text)
  4. Paste into Google/Yandex etc. translate

You can then copy the output from Google translate into a spreadsheet, with as many columns as you like, to compare different langauges.

Transliteration to latin script isn’t very hard for many scripts, we’ll add that soon I think. I am also a fan of transliteration, I think it’s a nice shortcut if you are mostly interested in speaking with people.

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Hello… update! Try the new ‘Language Learning with Youtube’ extension, it will (soon) support all google languages.


my problem is motivation when I learn languages: I have a few favorite genres I like to watch in tv shows and anime, but a lot of my favorites are only available on DVD or on Prime Video (Germany) and they mostly only have German(my mother tongue) and English in both audio and subtitles. It would be very good to not feel guilty for watching them again without learning anything because I do not have any fitting subtitles in the languages I want to learn. That was a new years resolution a few years back, that I would not watch any movies, tv shows or anime without learning anything new. My English is much too good already to pretend to myself I am still learning anything new when I just use the English subtitles available. A way to get synched subtitles for all my favorite tv shows in all the exotic languages I am learning (because I already know all the languages that are popular and that I want to learn at a basic level). I am a very shy person and I am physically disabled, so I want to use my language learning not to talk to people or be fluent in conversation, but only to be able to read and watch as many things as I want in the original languages. Since I am linguisticallly interested in language typology as well, I do not learn most languages to more than an A2 or B1 level to learn about interesting gramatical features in as many languages as possible. I want to get an overview what all is possible in as many languages as possible. A fluent understanding of some languages I require only from languages that have great fantasy or science fiction literature, like English, Japanese, Russian and for example Sapkowski in Polish. I would be very interested to know if other people can reccomend other languages that have a great number of good fantasy literature that is worth learning the language for very deeply.
I simply get disinterested for most other genres to learn more of the language if I have not interesting original material.