Phrasel verbs or words structures with more than one word

It can be usefull to be able to choose more than one word on subtitles on youtube or other platform to look up the meaning for exmaple phrasel verbs. Maybe the application can itself detect it or user can choose it via mouse in subtitles. Thanks.

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This should absolutely be the main priority for the developers just now! Made the subscription to get possiblity to get more than one word selected from subtitles… but not (and because of that unsubscribed).

All the needed functions in LanguageReactor are in high level or level enough to make it one of the best plugins for YouTube. But the lack of combining words, make short phrases or select idioms drives towards other apps. In this case the Steven Kaufmann’s LingQ wins and makes me inclined towards them until this thing’s been fixed.

A pity, hope you’ll get this fixed soon (and my money too ;-).

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This goes offtopic but I don’t see a reason to open new queue for this request and idea because this is partly a addition to previous one. I see that this wish (if implemented) would give us (Pro-Subscribers) value for money and perhaps help you to get more paying customers…

So, could you add a possibility (i.e. to Settings panel) to open and show the words automatically which are set ‘Marked to Learn’ , without moving mouse cursor every time on those words, please?

I would see this kind of option very valuable primarily for learning the language but also as a real value for my subscription (I would pay for it).

It’s time consuming to pause a video and click (or move cursor)the word every time it comes again and again and check the translation. And it takes time before you learn the words. It would be so much easier to see both the words and full translation together and keep video going. The contemporary idea of many linguists is to have massive acquisition of language by listening, reading or watching videos instead of playing with Anki and many different word lists. Simply it means that you consume more YouTube and less Anki. It’s very efficient way to gain vocabulary, it really works and you are almost on this idea and you have almost best tool for this.

At its best this kind of functionality could contain together with Learn & Known -buttons three buttons (1,2,3) for degrees of learning to follow the SRS-system’s idea like Anki etc. By clicking the number the word box could gradually fade, until marked ‘Learned’ should make it disappear. But above all and of course this same functionality should contain the possibility to select pairs of word and small phrases to make the LR perfect and to get real possibility to build and gain your own vocabulary.

So @David_Wilkinson @Hofit_Nagar @oaprograms and other coders, what do you think about the wish?

(Below a sample image what kind of approach it simply could be if selected from the Settings.)

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