tts on edge in text mode is not working. anyone having the same problem ?
I confirm- it does not work. Maybe the developers will answer what is the problem?
Update for devs:
Original post (before the above update):
I tried it out on the Microsoft Edge browser and Chrome (via MacOs) and text/reader mode tts is working on my end.
However, I also tried it out on the Firefox browser and found that there’s no sound/tts coming out for the text/reader mode there.
Similar report(s):
Same problem here in Edge. No sound in text mode! Clicking on individual words still works though.
I can confirm this on my end.
Is TTS still working for you for the sentences under Media > Text in Edge on Mac?
By the way, what is the different in those screenshots you posted from different browser? I can’t see any visual difference in Edge where audio fails to play and Chrome where it plays.
still not working on my end
I updated my reply to make it clear that what you quoted here was apart of my original post/reply:
It was working for me when users began reporting issues, then it stopped working, so I updated my replay.
If you look close, it’s the green toggle versus the red toggle in the images.
For some reason, the toggle changes to red on the edge browser.
P.S. I reported this via the extension report bug* feature and linked to one of my replies. I recommend y’all report through there on your end, too:
I see for the auto play switch color. It’s disappointing that the devs have apparently not responded to this in two months. TTS in Edge is much higher quality than in other browsers so this is a real loss of function.
i agree with you. unfortunately the devs are very slow to respond to client’s demands about fixing bugs
Let’s all file an official bug report about it in the way @joan_LanguageProcess described which leads to this Google form.
Hey Joan, what is the situation now? TTS still fails in Edge for me now, but in Chrome it still works and the voices there have improved, albeit still not as good as Edge voices when they worked. I saw now response from devs here or elsewhere in the past six months. Release notes two years out of date now…
Hi @Daniel_M1 ,
As far as I can tell, it looks like because one of the Devs has been dealing with some surgery/health issues that the software has suffered as a result.
Looks like they are trying to catch up software improvements currently.
It also looks like the team will be putting out a newsletter later that may update us. Maybe on what the next steps are/addressing some issues, but I’m not 100% sure.
P. S. Sorry I’m just seeing this, work (I’m a retail worker) has been busy. Feel free to @ me and it should send me an email in the future.