where is the admin ? why don't you at least give the users attention ?

Sadely each day passes by I hate this extention with the people behind it even more. We complain months about bugs that don’t get fixed. We keep messaging admins to get us a proper customer service but no one replies. If you don’t care about users then don’t offer a monthly subscription.
Don’t take this criticism personally. It is only to explain how tired many of us are by not having the bugs fixed. this criticism is for you to get up and improve this wonderful app


I agree! charge us more if need be man, I am fine with paying a few bucks more. it’s been days. it’s unusable.


Same here. Feeling disappointed and abandoned. Features don’t work as advertised, no help available. No one seems to care.
Most freeware apps have better support. The total lack of communication with paying customers is appalling.


i have many problems with the ASR subtitle working if they dont do something quickly to fix it i think i am gonna cancel the subscription


It would be nice if the error message made it clear the problem is on their end so I don’t spend an hour trying to trouble shoot it next time. “check-ready” is inscrutable.


Looks like for 4-6 days nobody even care to answer any of this questions, time to move on, some AI shenaningans added instead of simple ASR for our own videos or ASR for youtube it only wokrs on netflix i wonder why… so much needed things are not done, dont get me wrong, premium is not very expensive but put that aside, if you make something for outside world for the people at least be responsible regarding the payment. This is so disrespectful to people in here. ONE week 0 answers, shame on you.


Hey guys,
We are working on fixing it and I will let you know as soon as it is fixed.

We are a small team and we are working a lot to make this extension usable even with Netflix and YouTube changes. you can always write us an email to: languagelearningextension@gmail.com

If anyone here hates this extension, you can text me to the email and I will cancel the subscription and give you a refund for the last payment.
Thank you for letting us know and sorry for the inconvenience.


Thank you for the feedback. Our discomfort is because we don’t receive any communication from the team. We know you are hardworking guys we appreciate your effort so much. Also if you could please fix the text mode problem, TTS does not work for 3 months please look into this issue.


Sure, we will do it as soon as possible


Hey, if it doesn’t get fixed soon I will want a refund.
Because I paid for it and it only worked for a few days, but I paid for 3 months in advance.
What good is it cancelling it?

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Please read my previous message. I put am email for refunds requests. I cannot do anything with you asking here as I dont see your account details and it will be not safe for you to put your emails here in the forum.

Please read last message from me in this thread.

Yes, thank you for the info.
I did read your message, I would just rather it got fixed.
I’ll wait a little longer, but it has been almost a week now without being able to use what I paid for.
I still like the extension, though. When it is working.

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what good news, I am very happy you have not forgotten your extencion and despite that you are a small team you are taking care of it.
it is a great extension, I love it and i would gladly pay for it if it works.


It’s been a week. Too long time for a fix.


I am using it now, it seems to be fixed.
Sincerely hope it stays that way!
Thank you for fixing it.


Problem solved. it should work now

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Plase check the text mode it is so bugy. TTS doesnt work and if you click to save a phrase it scrollls down on its own


I think the broader issue isn’t actually the bugs but rather the lack of response and acknowledgement of so many of the user posts on this forum.


ive been complaining about the text mode problem for 3 months and no one even bothered to fix it


ASR dosn’t work again. I don’t want to be bothered by same problem ever again.
I know you’ve been struggling for this problem and I really appreciate your effort.
But I need this function to study anyway.Please fix this.
I would like your reply.

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