That’s exactly what I want, yes!
Ok, we’ll do that then, or something very close.
Unfortunately, LLN isn’t open source, so all I can do is appeal to get changes put into the mainline extension.
Me and Ognjen talked about open source at the beginning of the project. The goal is high-quality software (well, we’re trying…) for a low/reasonable price for users, and some income for us. I’m aware of a few other similar extensions that were/are open source, looking in the commit history, it’s often just a single guy plugging away, with few contributions. Open sourcing I think would make it harder to make an income from the project. Having said that, if someone is interested in doing some significant work, we can add you to the repo and throw some cash your way from time to time (that’s called a job, right?). After two years of hard work with little income, the project now makes on the low end of a US developer salary. It’s nice making a tool that is used by a lot of people though. Ideally Netflix would pop up and say, ‘hey, nice work guys, you are providing value for our users, here, we’ll sponsor your project, and, all features can be free for all users.’ We’ve tried contacting them through a few channels, no response unfortunately.
btw, I just sent an email to Russel Simmons, developer of Voracious, maybe he can give us some help creating an offline video player with LLN code. Ognjen made one in the past (GitHub - oaprograms/lingo-player: Open source video player with language learning features - I was working on one too at that time, that’s how we met) , but it’s bitrotted at this point, I think.