Hello, has anyone gone through this problem where your Netflix subtitles and translation subtitle don’t match…? It was working just fine till last night, but all of a sudden, all the shows and movies I try, the subtitles are syncing… It seems like my translation language is like 2-3 minutes ahead of original subtitle.
Hello, thanks for your response! It’s happening on every single movie and show. It’s all messed up at the moment. Problem is the translation subtitle starts a few minutes before the original subtitle does.
Let me list the problems I observed. It seems that almost all shows are messed up, as smbs0808 said. In the beginning of the episode, there is only a small lag (e.g., 2 or 3 phrases differ). However, towards the ending of the episode, the difference between the Netflix subtitles and the Translation Language is much bigger (approximately 30 phrases differ or more)
After I read your msg, I tried Breaking Bad and omg, it really has NO problem! So happy to finally find some videos that play perfectly with no subtitle issue!