Fantastic extension! Really glad I subbed.
It’s great out of the box, but there are just a few things that might improve the experience a bit.
It’d be really nice to have a shortcut to replay the current subtitle, instead of just forward and back. (I guess a workaround is just hitting both arrows, so this isn’t a showstopper.)
I’d like to be able to re-hide subtitles after my mouse accidentally drifts over them (maybe they are blurred again after the mouse moves away? Or an option make them visible only on a specific keypress and not on mouseover?).
I’d also like some way to import lists to mark words different colors. And an ability to export just the words that have been marked. (Currently if I go to saved items > green words > export, I get all the subs those words appear in, which is great usually, but sometimes I really just want the wordlist.)
With Korean and other highly inflected languages, being able to identify roots that take different endings would be really useful. I’m sure it would be complicated though. If you know “run” maybe that includes knowing “running” and “ran,” but Korean has some long compounds built off of words with endings and I’m not sure where the line would be. German is another tough one, less stacking of particles and more just massive compound words.
Agree with the other comments, subs2srs + morphman support or emulation would be a god feature. You might not be able to let people grab AV from Netflix for legal reasons, (definitely be careful of that so the extension stays up!) But if the exports included timestamps for the start and end of saved subs, it might be a good halfway step (people might be able to get the rest of the way with some other tools or methods, I don’t know). Might be easier to implement in the shortrun too.
Thanks for all you’re doing, great extension.