Update! Learning Stages, Flashcards, All Words Panel, PhrasePump, API..

Your feedback is valuable. The current system should give you complete control over what you see in Phrasepump. You might need to change the default options.

When you don’t know many words in Chinese, you don’t know where one word ends and another begins.

One idea was if users switch their items to ‘Learning Stages’ (Known/Learning), they could use underlines for showing gramatical annotation… such as cases for slavic languages… gramatical gender… or I guess for Chinese, we could give an alternating colour underline to show where words start/end. We could also insert a gap or a symbol between words. It’s quite easy to add. One note: word segmentation in Chinese is not perfect at the moment, we’re using the best library (pkuseg) for Simplified, but our attempt to upgrade Traditional hit a snag, still using ‘jieba’ for that.

coloured underlines:
with extra spacing:

Every time I moved up a level, I deleted all highlights and started from scratch.

As you mark words as know now, the greyed-out words will also adjust. The logic isn’t quite battle tested yet, but it’s operational.

Chess terms aren’t highly used in real life, but it would be great if those specialized terms could be used in Phrasepump.

It should totally work. The way PhrasePump selects new words to add to the study pool: first it takes words you marked to study (orange with dash), then, if ‘Suggestions’ are enabled in PhrasePump settings, it takes the lowest frequency word that is not marked as Known. This logic should be made more explicit. So, turn off ‘Suggestions’, and mark the chess words, they should appear in PhrasePump. The pool of Chinese sentences is not so rich as other languages, but should be sufficient to provide varied examples for words up to about rank 5000. For other major languages it works to 15k or even 20k+.

‘Tom’ is showing as grey here, it was intended to be white, need to check that.

I have highlighted 等 to draw attention to how it is used meaning after, as soon as, or once.

With the current system, these should probably set as tags, with ‘Learning Stage’ - ‘Known’. I know it’s not quite as visible, but I’m hoping you like one the suggestions I had to display word segmentation.

Now I can’t turn the orange words off even though I have changed the settings.

Words that have been manually marked as ‘Learning’ are always in orange at the moment.

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