Update! Learning Stages, Flashcards, All Words Panel, PhrasePump, API..

I’m not sure if this is exactly from the old adding new features just to have the devs work on something when everything is perfectly fine playbook. It could be, but that’s not what concerns me. I’ve worked with devs that are (as you alluded to) so self-absorbed into what shiny new thing they could add that they disregard what might seem glaringly obvious to even the most basic user. It’s real hard to get through to them once they get started on their development when it would be better to just keep things simple and demolish about 70% of the code they wrote.

In other words, what’s really concerning is that this is turning into the thing where the developer thinks they know what the user wants, but they really don’t. Color highlighting, which screams “don’t fix what’s not broken,” has turned into something more complicated (never a good thing to make things more complicated for users) and add an underlining feature with its own color (never a good thing to make things that are hard to see). I don’t know how you do any sort of A/B user testing and come to the conclusion that this was a user-friendly change. The frustrating part is that the user has no customization options. No, we can’t use choose to use the legacy version, we’re forced to use the new version. Or, forced to just cancel our subscription, if you want to talk about the options the user has.

I take the time to write this not to just put people on blast. I say this because I doubt I’m the only person who will just say to myself that this isn’t worth the cost to use when it doesn’t fulfill very basic needs that the old version did and end up canceling their subscription.

One of the biggest problems for me is that I don’t understand what most of the options are supposed to do, and it’s a matter of turning them on and off to see what difference they have made. The naming conventions for various settings seem to be a bit awkward, and perhaps there should be a ? we could click for more info are a graphical representation.

I’m OK with underlining known words, but I’m also having to go to the full word list and mark all the green tagged words as known.

I used the app for watching Netflix, and I don’t want it to be a flashcard app, or some sort of language trainer. Let me mark words as known as I come across them, and let me save useful sentences that I can then export to a text file.

It feels like devs need to add more features to attract more subs, but I’m more likely to become a regular subscriber if all the extra stuff is hidden.

For a new user, it takes a long time to add all known words, and it takes 3-4 mouse clicks to add one word at a time. I wish there was either a keyboard shortcut for this, or a faster way to mark these as known.

Also, show me all words from an episode in a list, sorted by frequency and make it easy to mark multiple words as known. Then tell me what % are unknown, then tell me this for any other episode before I start watching.

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Just saw this and agree with everything you’ve said :+1:

We fixed up Phrasepump on the mobile site, it’s working well.
Fixed the Google 3rd party login issue finally.
Working on some UI improvements and bug fixes.

@Ilya_Ilich vocab level is setable to within 100 words, the other stuff we’re addressing in turn.

@beezwings @Marcello_M @Ilya_Ilich @woozie Planning to add colour pickers shortly.

@sassysocks Sorry, still chewing on this.

@MUSTLEARNLANGUAGE Since you wrote the message, we’ve redone a few UI details on the ‘Saved Items’ page. ‘All Words’ and ‘Saved Words’ are views on the same data, they should (already were…) synced. The counts in ‘All Words’ include the bulk-marked ‘known’ words and ‘suggestions’, in the ‘Saved Words’ tab, the counts are for words that you have marked manually (dashed). I’m going to modify the labels and/or add a tooltip. I think you may have missed what the dashes mean… that’s on us… working on making things more understandable, there may still be a further tweak to how information is shown.

@karim_karim PhrasePump speed control… yeah… I guess so.

@woozie underlines showing a bit heavier now, working on the other issues you mentioned.

@Ash You can star phrases and export them, that should work. I just checked, words that don’t otherwise have a ‘context’ are meant to be exported with a tatoeba example, that’s an oversight, I’ll have that fixed soon (in the next ~3 days).

@Stuart_M @Ryan1 Re colours: I climbed mount Olympus and consulted with Iris. fyi, ‘the developers’ are me and Ognjen, he’s also on this thread. Update has some rough edges, UI deficiencies mostly, which we are aware of, and working through. Might I suggest you two start a seperate thread to continue your enthralling narrative on “intellectual masturbation” and developer stereotypes, so the precious insights are not lost in this mundane discussion of bugs, concrete issues, and actionable suggestions? Guys, quite disheartening.

@Stuart_M Alright, fair enough, this post got something concrete. There are solid reasons for the changes, even if they aren’t explained fully yet. Promised to make some video, and I will.

Buenas noches;
Genial la aplicación de escritorio. Estaria muy bien que nosotros mismos pudieramos elegir en las flashcard cuales ya sabemos y cuales no una especie de voto.
Otra cosa que seria ideal es poder escuchar primero la definicion no solo la pregunta que pudieramos elegir que escuchar si el primer idioma o el segundo.



Thanks for amazing phrase pump. However, this happens all the time. I checked with my wifi, i dont think its wifi problem.

Can you have a look?

I have the same error and have been unable to add new words to Saved Items since 11/15.

For me this looks good

after the update youtube with the extension on became very slow and buggy. can you please check this

For now, this bug has been resolved. Thanks, devs.

Hey. I took a week off, vacation, back now. Lots of issues to work on I see. :sweat_smile:

Some more highlighting options will be deployed +/-tomorrow to ‘production’. It allows you to decide for yourself what distinctions are important. Will get around to the video shortly.

You can try it here now, still fiddling with some details: (watch out, the dev site does modify your saved data currently)
Language Reactor - Settings


These changes are now live.

@sassysocks I’m asking Og to implement an option for a heavier tag underline.

@Ilya_Ilich these two are done:
– level setable to within 100 words
– setting to adjust ratio of ‘suggested’ (currently 1.75) and ‘rare words’

Custom colouring for words, I think we’ll get to that. Need to look some performance issues first.

@ash Words saved without context now have tatoeba examples added when exported.

@Stuart_M Rereading your message: you know you can right-click words to mark them known/learning? It’s long press on mobile. Maybe we’re missing a message. “words from an episode in a list” - we got that, it’s the ‘words’ tab in Netflix/Youtube.

@light Performance tune-up is next, long overdue.

I think the payment issues are finally undercontrol… fingers crossed (Please put examples like these in the docs · Issue #2 · PaddleHQ/php-subscriptions-basic · GitHub)

‘Pro’ features are currently free (for two weeks) btw. There will be a 3 month subscription option shortly, and Christmas discount from middle of the month until end of the year.

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Hey! I really enjoy using phrase pump, but I have a quick question. I noticed that some of the phrases that come up are actually from an anime I watched, even with screenshots of the scene attached, which is awesome. Unfortunately I’ve only seen this happen a handful of times, I feel like it doesn’t generate new ones anymore even though I am still watching anime and saving words. Any advice?

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Very nice changing, thank you.
But couldn’t you add speech speed control to Phrase Pump?

I’m benefitting immensely from PhrasePump too and I’m also interested in exactly Yannick’s question!

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Same! Here’s an example for those who haven’t seen it. I actually just realized that it also added a few of these when I watched this Chinese show. Does it generate these for sentences that I added to my favorites? (:star:) If so, which of those does it actually bring up in phrase pump? Only ones that include vocab that phrase pump wants me to learn right now?

I’m just really curious how it works, maybe a mod / admin can explain, thanks!

@Yannick Two kinds of items are reviewed in PhrasePump: ‘saved phrases’ (saved by starring) and ‘Marked Learning words’. A saved phrase is reviewed by showing it to you… as ‘Listening Practice’ or a ‘Quiz’… simple… a marked word is reviewed by either showing you 3 ‘randomish’ example sentences in ‘Listening Practice’, or a single Quiz, generally using the original sentence where you saved it as a test (if available). If you want more subs to show from shows you watch, star subs. Saving words in subs also means a Quiz will show (eventually) with that sub for that lemma. When there’s no items due for review, PhrasePump selects sentences from Tatoeba (‘extra practice’). You can star these too, if you find them interesting, they will be shown again. You can also ‘Mark Learning’ any word you see on the screen, on any card in Phrasepump, PhrasePump will schedule reviews for that lemma. Keeping a record of videos/texts you have watched recently, and picking ‘Listening Practice’ from there, is something I thought about, wouldn’t be too tricky, but, there’s no garantee it would be a nice usage/example sentence.
It’s pretty opaque for the user I guess. :melting_face:

@karim_karim I’ll get to it soon, sorry, still doing some code housekeeping, but, shouldn’t be any difficulty.

It occured to me how to increase the number of sentences available for languages with fewer example sentences using GPT and machine translation.

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Hi! I’ve been a user of the extension for a while but just subscribed. I really like the new features of marking words, because they force me to really look at the native subtitle and see which words I already understand and which ones I don’t. I’m now trying to mark everything as known/learning accordingly.

If I could offer a suggestion… I’m learning Korean, and with Korean being an agglutinative language, there are MANY variations of the same word. This causes the word frequency to not work as well as it should. My actual vocabulary level is around 6000. I now have it set to 8000 but there are still so many words marked in grey that I already know, and it’s mainly because it’s simply yet another conjugation of the same verb. Could it be an option to work with “word bases” instead of every possible form of a word? Or maybe have a vocabulary level that’s higher than 8000? Or another solution would be to be able to mark a word as known more quickly, cause now I have to click 2 times (clicking just once or using a keyboard shortcut would be really helpful!)

Another suggestion, though this has nothing to do with the new features, is to have an option to hide the CC subtitles between brackets. This would be a HUGE improvement for me.

Thanks for considering and thank you for all the hard work you’ve done on this extension. It has really been a huge help to me in my language learning journey :slight_smile:

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+1 for adding “base” words. The idea is similar in Hungarian with its various cases.

Good Afternoon!

Q: How do I change the vocabulary level/s for my target language of Arabic, please?
A: Found it.

And how do I turn off the ‘grayed out / do not learn’ feature, please? I want to choose which words I learn or do not learn in Arabic and other languages.
